Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Partner Project - Lightroom Tutorial

 Partner Project - Lightroom Tutorial


 Choose a partner. Each group picks a different tutorial. Complete the Lightroom tutorial and present to the class.


Adobe Lightroom Tutorial and Slideshow Presentation 


Students will be able to demonstrate their understanding of Adobe Lightroom

by creating a slideshow that outlines the steps of a chosen tutorial and presents it to the class.


Students will be assessed on their slideshow presentation, including clarity of steps, visual appeal, and ability to

answer questions about the tutorial process.


  • Understanding the interface of Adobe Lightroom and its key features.

  • Step-by-step process of editing photos using a specific tutorial.

  • Importance of visual storytelling through slideshows.

  • Presentation skills, including clear communication and engagement with the audience.

Adobe Lightroom Tutorial and Slideshow Presentation Rubric


3 Points

2 Points

1 Point

Lightroom Technical Skills

Demonstrates advanced understanding of Lightroom interface and features; shows complex editing techniques with precision

Shows basic understanding of Lightroom tools; completes standard editing processes

Minimal understanding of Lightroom; struggles with basic interface navigation

Tutorial Step Clarity

Presents extremely clear, detailed, and logically sequenced tutorial steps with professional explanation

Presents mostly clear tutorial steps with some minor gaps in explanation

Tutorial steps are confusing, incomplete, or poorly explained

Slideshow Visual Design

Professional, visually engaging slideshow with consistent design, high-quality graphics, and seamless transitions

Adequate slideshow design with some visual appeal and mostly consistent formatting

Poor slideshow design with distracting elements or minimal effort

Presentation Skills

Confident, articulate presentation with excellent audience engagement; responds comprehensively to questions

Moderate presentation skills; somewhat nervous but generally coherent; partially answers questions

Weak presentation skills; appears unprepared; cannot effectively answer questions

Photo Editing Quality

Demonstrates sophisticated photo editing techniques showing significant before/after transformation

Shows basic photo editing with noticeable but limited improvements

Minimal or ineffective photo editing with little discernible change

Technical Understanding

Exhibits deep comprehension of Lightroom's advanced features and workflow integration

Demonstrates fundamental understanding of Lightroom's core functions

Limited technical understanding of software capabilities

Monday, January 27, 2025

Weekly Vocabulary

  Post the definition and an image to your website

1. Triptych

2. White balance

3. color cast

4. ambient light

5. Dynamic range


    Complete 2 Triptych projects. Post the before and after images.

1. Your choice photo

2. Use your Long shot, medium shot and close up shots


1. Open image  2. create a new canvas

Marquee, move tool, transform. 

Merge layers. Layer adjustment. Filters. optional. Text tool. Your name

Required -background color. drop shadow.

Paint bucket or Gradient tool. Text Tool - Your name

1. Triptych your choice
2. Triptych / your photos -

Long Shot (LS) Medium Shots (MS) and Closeup Shots (CU)



Video images, like still photographs, are subject to the aesthetic rules of picture composition. There are, however, factors peculiar to video that more or less influence television composition. These factors are as follows:

  • The small monitor requires objects to be shown relatively large so they can be seen clearly on a small screen. You must shoot more extreme close-ups (ECU), close-ups (CU), medium shots (MS), few long shots (LS), and very few extreme long shots (ELS). 
  • The 3:4 aspect ratio of the picture cannot be changed so all picture elements must be composed to fit it. The aspect ratio is the ratio of picture height to width. There is no vertical format in television. You must always think horizontal format. 
  • The video camera is the eyes of the viewer. Therefore, camera movement, as well as the static arrangement of elements within the frame, must be considered. 
  • When shooting uncontrolled action, you may not be able to predetermine composition. Sometimes all you can do is correct certain compositional errors. 

In motion media, the picture on the screen is referred to as a shot. A shot is one continuous camera run from the time the recording starts to the time the recording stops. A shot may last a few seconds, several minutes, or the entire program. A motion-video camera person must always think in terms of shots.
Most rules of composition in still photography apply equally well to composition in motion media.



During motion-media recording, you can change the image size by changing the camera-to-subject distance or by using a zoom lens (which also changes the field of view).
When recording an event on motion media, there are three basic shots or sequences you must use: long shots (LS), medium shots (MS), and closeup shots (CU) (fig. 13-10). The type of shot being used can limit or increase the amount of visual information presented to the viewer. Long shots generally establish a location. A medium shot is used primarily as a transition between a long shot and closeup shot. Closeup shots create impact and provide more detail.

Monday, January 20, 2025

Path and Pen Tool




In class demonstration

Path and Pen tool

1. Open image
2. Crete a new layer
3. Select path and pen tool
4. Create anchor points and wrap subject,Select brush tool and color. Click simulate pressure. Return to path and pen tool
5.Right click - Stroke path. Right click delete path
6. Use eraser to erase every other line

Triangle of Exposure- Path and pen tool


Path and Pen tool

1. Open image
2. Crete a new layer
3. Select path and pen tool
4. Create anchor points and wrap subject,Select brush tool and color. Click simulate pressure. Return to path and pen tool
5.Right click - Stroke path. Right click delete path
6. Label with text. Aperture , shutter speed and ISO

Weekly Vocabulary

   For each term find the definition and an image. 1-4

1. Wide Angle Lens

2. Open shutter photography

3. Long exposure photography

4. Light Painting Photography

shutter speed

Target: Learn to manipulate images by adjusting shutter speed in shutter priority mode on a digital camera.

Shutter Speed is the amount of time that the shutter remains open to allow light to reach the digital camera sensor.  It is measured in seconds or fractions of seconds.  


10          5     1     1/4     1/6     1/8     1/10     1/20     1/25     1/40     1/60     1/125     1/250     1/320     1/500 

Shutter is open longer, letting more                                                                                 Shutter is open for a short time, letting 

light in, and causing movements to blur.                                                                           less light in, and freezing motion.

Partner Project - Lightroom Tutorial

 Partner Project - Lightroom Tutorial    Choose a partner. Each group picks a different tutorial. Complete the Lightroom tutorial and presen...