Sunday, August 25, 2024

Green Screen

  Find 3 green Screen images. Post all images used to your website.

Using photoshop Combine 3 images onto one canvas/ image. Convert to jpeg and post to your website



selection tools



Photoshop Collage Assignment Rubric

Criteria Excellent (3 points) Satisfactory (2 points) Needs Improvement (1 point)
Image Selection Chooses 3 high-quality green screen images that work well together. Chooses 3 images, but quality or cohesiveness is lacking. Chooses fewer than 3 images or low-quality images.
Image Composition Expertly combines images on one canvas with a seamless look. Combines images, but some areas appear disconnected or awkward. Poorly combines images; they do not work together at all.
Technical Skills Utilizes move, selection, and transform tools effectively and creatively. Uses tools adequately, but lacks creativity or effectiveness in execution. Struggles to use tools; significant errors are present.
Final Format Converts image to JPEG correctly and posts to the website without issues. Converts image to JPEG, but there are minor issues with posting. Fails to convert to JPEG or post to the website.
Presentation Presentation on the website is organized and visually appealing. Presentation is somewhat organized but lacks visual appeal. Presentation is disorganized and not visually appealing.

Total Points: /15

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