Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Photography Career Partner Project


Photography Career Project

Choose one Career from your top 3

Essential Question-

What requirements (educational and personal) do I need to succeed at reaching my Photography career goal?






  1. What the career is ( Job description)

  2. Education/ Training Requirements

  3. Opportunities for Advancement

  4. Salary/ Earnings/ Benefits

  5. Description - A typical day in the life of a person in my career choice.

  6. Bibliography

Some questions are provided below to help with your research.

  1. What the career is.Includes a description of the career itself, skills or tasks that one performs in this career, and any additional information you feel is relevant.

  2. The Education and Training requirements- What level of schooling is necessary?Are there any special exams or tests?

  3. ( For example teachers need to pass the CBEST test and subject matter competency tests. Truck drivers need to have a special license) Are there any physical or personal requirements?( Example: the ability to solve complex math problems.Or the ability to lift heavy loads)

  4.  Opportunities for Advancement. Example- Nurse to Nurse Trainer. Pet store cashier to Pet store manager.

  5. Salary/ Earnings/ Benefits. Example: Vacation time, medical benefits, retirement plans, flexible hours, annual pay increase.

  6. A typical day in the life….. A description or list of tasks that one would perform in a typical day.

VISUAL PRESENTATION- Create a slideshow with the information. Include at least 2 pictures. 1 slide per question.

Lifestyle/Adventure Photographers

Erin Sullivan - erinoutdoors.com

Sacha Specker - sachaspecker.squarespace.com

Blake Jorgenson - www.blakejorgenson.com

Lars Schneider - www.outdoor-visions.com

Chris Burkard - www.burkardphoto.com

Lucas Gilman - www.lucasgilman.com

Ray Demski - www.raydemski.com

Landscape Photographers

Erik Waider - www.northlandscapes.com

Zachary Bright - www.bright-images.com

Albert Dros - www.albertdros.com

Enrico Fossati - www.enricofossati.it

Joshua Snow - jsnowphotography.com

Isabella Tabacchi - www.isabellatabacchi.com

Karen Hutton - www.karenhuttonphotography.com

Erin Babnik - erinbabnik.com

Lincoln Harrison - www.lincolnharrison.com

Dylan Toh and Marianne Lim - www.everlookphotography.com

Ted Gore - www.tedgorecreative.com

Lars Schneider - larsschneider-landscapes.com

Daniel Laan - laanscapes.photography

Dave Morrow - www.davemorrowphotography.com

Dustin LeFevre - www.starlightlandscapes.com

Kilian Schoenberger - www.kilianschoenberger.de

Matt Kloskowski - mattkloskowski.squarespace.com

Charlie Waite - www.charliewaite.com

Ansel Adams - www.anseladams.com

Rodney Lough Jr. - www.rodneyloughjr.com

Pierre Carreau - www.pierrecarreau.com

Jimmy McIntyre - www.throughstrangelenses.com

Robert Rodriguez Jr. - robertrodriguezjr.com

Alexandre Deschaumes - www.alexandredeschaumes.com

Luke Tscharke - www.luketscharke.com

Warren Keelan - www.warrenkeelan.com

Clyde Butcher - clydebutcher.com/

Joshua Snow - www.jsnowphotography.com

​Gary Randall - www.gary-randall.com

Commercial Photographers

Jeff Stockwell - www.jeff-stockwell.com

Aaron Anderson - andersonvisuals.com

Joel Grimes - portfolio.joelgrimes.com

Cody Pickens - www.codypickens.com

Bryan Adam Castillo - www.bryanadamc.com

McClanahan Studio - www.mcclanahanstudio.net

Braston Wilhelmsen - www.braxtonbrucephotography.com

Victoria Will - www.victoriawill.com

Chris Ozer - chrisozer.com

Douglas Sonders - www.sondersphotography.com

Chase Jarvis - www.chasejarvis.com

Erik Almå - www.erikalmas.com

Dean Bradshaw - www.deanbradshaw.com

Joshua Allen Harris - joshuaallenharris.com

Dave Hill - www.davehillphoto.com

Joe McNally - joemcnally.com

Platon Antoniou- www.platonphoto.com

Sean Tucker - ​www.seantucker.photography

Nick Fancher - nickfancher.com

Daniel Casson - www.danielcasson.co/#

Chad Kirkland - ​chadkirkland.com

Beauty/Fashion Photographers

Tamara Williams - www.tamarawilliams.net/portfolio

Nina Masic - www.ninamasic.com

Matthew Jordan Smith - matthewjordansmith.com

Julia Kuzmenko - www.juliakuzmenko.com

Weronika Kosińska - www.weronikakosinska.com

Jesca Cluff - www.jescacluff.com

Brigitte Sire - ​brigittesire.com

Jenn Collins - www.jenn-collins.com

Fine Art/Surreal/Conceptual

Erik Johansson - www.erikjohanssonphoto.com

Seb Agnew - seb-agnew.com

Leah Kennedy - www.leahkennedyphotography.com.au

Rebecca Millen - www.rebeccam-fotografie.de

Julia Anna Gospodarou www.juliaannagospodarou.com

Mikko Lagerstedt - www.mikkolagerstedt.com

Athena Carey - www.athenacarey.com

Elizabeth Gadd - www.elizabethgadd.com

Jessica Drossin - jessicadrossin.com

Jay Vulture - www.vulturelabs.photography

Dennis Ramos - www.dennis-ramos.com

Anya Anti - anya-anti.com

Brooke Shaden - www.brookeshaden.com

Robert & Shana ParkeHarrison - www.parkeharrison.com

Felicia Simion - www.feliciasimionphotography.com

Rob Woodcox - robwoodcox.com

Robby Cavanaugh - www.robbycavanaugh.com

Chris Lambeth - www.chrislambeth.com

Jenna Martin - jennamartinphotography.com

Laura Zalenga - laurazalenga.com

Will Milne - willmilne.com

Travel Photographer

Elia Locardi - www.elialocardi.com

Terrence & Victoria - www.followmeaway.com

Sport Photographer

David Robinson - www.davidrobinsonphoto.com

Scott Serfas - www.scottserfas.com

Still Life/Product Photographers

Yechiel Orgel - www.yechielorgel.com

Max Bridge - squaremountain.co.uk

Toby Pederson - www.tobypederson.com

Brian Rodgers Jr. digitalartthatrocks.com

David Butler - www.davidbutlerstudios.com

Aaron Tilley - www.aarontilley.com

Dina Belenko - 500px.com/arken

Hardi Saputra - 500px.com/hardi_wb

Food Photographer

Scott Choucino - scottchoucino.com

Izy Hossack - www.izyhossack.com

Skyler Burt - ​weeattogether.com

Anne Watson - ​annewatsonphoto.com

Darina Kopcok - www.darinakopcok.com

Wedding Photographers

Amy & Jordan - amyandjordan.com

Vanessa Joy - vanessajoy.com

Chris Bunker - chrisbunker.com

Trevor Dayley - www.trevordayley.com

Lin and Jirsa - www.linandjirsa.com

Chrismas Studios - www.chrismanstudios.com

Kristina Curtis - www.kristinacurtisphotography.com

Amber Shaw - www.ambershawphotography.com

Camilla Binks - camillabinks.com

Phile Chester - www.philchester.com

Jerry Ghionis - www.jerryghionisphotography.com

Jose Villa - josevilla.com

Jonas Peterson - jonaspeterson.com

Ryan Brenizer - ryanbrenizer.com

Tyler Rye - tylerrye.com

Michael Anthony - www.michaelanthonyphotography.com

India Earl - www.indiaearl.com

Portrait Photographers

Randal Ford - randalford.com

Victoria Will - www.victoriawill.com

Sam Elkins - samuelelkins.co

Michael Schacht - michael-schacht.com

Miguel Quiles - miguelquiles.com

Zach Allia - www.zachallia.com

Mihaela Noroc - theatlasofbeauty.com

Braxton Wilhelmsen - www.braxtonbrucephotography.com

​Ramona Rosales - ramonarosales.com

Jeff Rojas - www.sajorffej.com

Jeremy Cowart - jeremycowart.com

Jason Bell - www.jasonbellphoto.com

Benoit Courti - benoitcourti.4ormat.com

Peter Hurley - peterhurley.com

Ed McGowan - www.flickr.com/photos/isayx3/

Zach Sutton - ​zsuttonphoto.com


Art Wolfe - artwolfe.com

David Butow - www.davidbutow.com

​Christopher Michel - www.christophermichel.com

Steve McCurry - stevemccurry.com

Ciril Jazbec - www.ciriljazbec.com

Wildlife/Pet Photographers

Randal Ford - randalford.art

Paul Nicklent - paulnicklen.com

Tim Flach - timflach.com

Kaylee Greer - dogbreathphoto.com

Grace Chon - gracechon.com

Michel d'Oultremont - www.micheldoultremont.com

George Karbus - www.georgekarbusphotography.com

Joshua Holko - www.jholko.com

Ty Foster - www.tyfoster.com

Moose Peterson - www.moosepeterson.com

Chris Glatzer & Michael Milicia - shootthelight.com

Shaina Fishman - shainafishman.com

Real Estate/Architectural Photographers

Melissa Kelsey - www.melissakelseyphotography.com

Peter Molick - www.petermolick.com



Mike Kelley - www.mpkelley.com

Sean Conboy - seanconboy.com

Mike Van Tassell - mikevantassell.com

Joe Fletcher - www.joefletcher.com

Tom Blachford - tomblachford.com

Rick Brazil - www.rickbrazil.com

GYÖRGY PALKÓ www.gyorgypalko.com

Andy Frame - www.andyframe.com

Alan Blakely - www.utahrealestatephoto.com

Nick Woolley - nickwoolley.com

Travis Mark - travismark.com

Tim Krueger - ​www.timkruegerphotographer.com

Kendall McCaugherty - www.hallmerrick.com/km-projects

Lucy Call - ​lucycall.com

Composite Photographers/Retouchers

Antti Karppinen - anttikarppinen.com

Bryan Niven - bryanniven.com

Andrey Popov - www.andreyapopov.com

Joel Grimes - www.joelgrimes.com

Drew Lundquist - www.drewlundquist.com

Robert Cornelius - www.robertcorneliusphotography.com

Josh Rossi - joshrossi.com

Mykie Rogers - mykier.com

Editorial Photographer

Chris Payne - www.chrispaynephoto.com

Street Photographer

Sean Tucker - www.seantucker.photography/street

Cityscape Photographer

Jay Vulture - www.vulturelabs.photography

Automotive/Aviation Photographer

Lloyd Hogan - lloydh.co.uk

Paul Barshon - www.paulbarshon.com

Brian Garland - www.briangarlandphoto.com

Larry Chen - www.larrychenphoto.com

Oskar Bakke - www.oskarbakke.com

Philipp Rupprecht - www.philipprupprecht.de

Time Lapse Photographer

Rob Whitworth - www.robwhitworth.co.uk

Toy Photographer

Mitchel Wu - www.instagram.com/mitchelwuphotography/


Jesús Vilca - www.jesusvilcaretouch.com

Celebrity Photographers

Tom Oldham - www.tomoldham.com

Jason Bell - www.jasonbellphoto.com

Will Bremridge - www.willbphoto.com


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