Post the definition and an image to your website
1. Triptych
2. White balance
3. color cast
4. ambient light
5. Dynamic range
Post the definition and an image to your website
1. Triptych
2. White balance
3. color cast
4. ambient light
5. Dynamic range
Complete 2 Triptych projects. Post the before and after images.
1. Your choice photo
2. Use your Long shot, medium shot and close up shots
1. Open image 2. create a new canvas
Marquee, move tool, transform.
Merge layers. Layer adjustment. Filters. optional. Text tool. Your name
Required -background color. drop shadow.
Paint bucket or Gradient tool. Text Tool - Your name
Video images, like still photographs, are subject to the aesthetic rules of picture composition. There are, however, factors peculiar to video that more or less influence television composition. These factors are as follows:
In motion media, the picture on the screen is referred to as a shot. A shot is one continuous camera run from the time the recording starts to the time the recording stops. A shot may last a few seconds, several minutes, or the entire program. A motion-video camera person must always think in terms of shots.
Most rules of composition in still photography apply equally well to composition in motion media.
During motion-media recording, you can change the image size by changing the camera-to-subject distance or by using a zoom lens (which also changes the field of view).
When recording an event on motion media, there are three basic shots or sequences you must use: long shots (LS), medium shots (MS), and closeup shots (CU) (fig. 13-10). The type of shot being used can limit or increase the amount of visual information presented to the viewer. Long shots generally establish a location. A medium shot is used primarily as a transition between a long shot and closeup shot. Closeup shots create impact and provide more detail.
For each term find the definition and an image. 1-4
1. Wide Angle Lens
2. Open shutter photography
3. Long exposure photography
4. Light Painting Photography
Target: Learn to manipulate images by adjusting shutter speed in shutter priority mode on a digital camera.
Shutter Speed is the amount of time that the shutter remains open to allow light to reach the digital camera sensor. It is measured in seconds or fractions of seconds.
10 5 1 1/4 1/6 1/8 1/10 1/20 1/25 1/40 1/60 1/125 1/250 1/320 1/500
Shutter is open longer, letting more Shutter is open for a short time, letting
light in, and causing movements to blur. less light in, and freezing motion.
Here are a few contemporary photographers known for their work with light painting:
To get started you will need:
How to setup:
Marcel Fuhrmann - Germany
Partner Project - Lightroom Tutorial Choose a partner. Each group picks a different tutorial. Complete the Lightroom tutorial and presen...