Here are a few contemporary photographers known for their work with light painting:
- LAPP-PRO. The person behind LAPP-PRO is JanLeonardo and he’s one of the best known light painting photographers right now. His work combines choreographed manipulation of light, performance art, time, and photography.
- Hannu Huhtamo. Hannu Huhtamo is known for his flowers and structures that look as though they could be CGI creations.
- Michael Bosanko. Michael Bosanko’s work has a playful, whimsical quality. He uses light to create otherworldly scenes that can include humans, animals, and well-known motifs.
To get started you will need:
- A camera with manual or bulb exposure control - to achieve the long shutter speeds necessary.
- A sturdy tripod or sit your camera on a sturdy surface - the exposure will be measured in seconds so handholding is ruled out
- A light source - this can be a wireless flash, torch, led tubes, anything that emits a bright light, the more variations in size and colour the better
- Other useful items - a cable release, extra batteries
- A dark place or scene - can be indoors or out
How to setup:
- Decide on your shoot location and place your camera on the tripod or a sturdy surface
- Switch your camera to manual mode and set your ISO to 100, a small aperture, such as f/11 or higher f number and shutter speed to between 10-30 seconds
- Fix your white balance depending on your light source, try “incandescent” or “tungsten”
- Your camera won’t focus in the dark so pre-focus on the area you wish to shoot, switching your lens to manual focus
- If using a shutter release attach that now, alternatively use the 2 or 10 second timer to prevent camera shake when pressing the shutter
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